李志攀 研究员
发布时间:2024-07-24 16:55:54

李志攀:山东曹县人,博士,研究员。2005年获兰州大学理学学士学位,2010年获北京大学粒子物理与原子核物理专业理学博士学位,随后就职西南大学工作至今,先后任特聘教授、研究员。曾先后访问美国橡树岭国家实验室、德国慕尼黑工业大学、法国IPN-Orsay 研究所、克罗地亚萨格勒布大学等。

目前主要从事相对论量子多体理论、奇特原子核谱学与新奇物理现象、原子核裂变等方面的研究工作,已在物理学主流期刊Physical Review系列、Physics Letters B等合作发表论文100余篇。先后主持国家自然科学基金、科技部政府间科技合作项目等10余个基础科研项目。2018年入选重庆市高层次人才特殊支持计划青年拔尖人才,2020年入选国家级青年人才。主要承担《力学》、《理论力学》、《大学物理》(双语)、《密度泛函理论与程序设计》等课程的教学任务。

Email :zpliphy@swu.edu.cn

l 主要研究方向:

Ø 相对论密度泛函理论发展及应用;

Ø 奇特原子核谱学与新奇物理现象;

Ø 原子核裂变;

l 主持的科研项目或人才项目:

Ø 2020年入选国家级青年人才

Ø 2018年入选重庆市高层次人才特殊支持计划第四批青年拔尖人才

Ø 中央高校基本科研业务费-国家级人才科研资助项目:原子核自发裂变与诱发裂变的微观理论研究;2021.3-至今

Ø 国家自然科学基金-面上项目(12375126):核裂变碎片角动量产生与演化的微观理论研究;2024.1-2027.12

Ø 霍英东教育基金会第十七届高等院校青年教师基金:原子核裂变的微观理论研究;2020.2-2023.2

Ø 国家自然科学基金-面上项目(11875225):原子核裂变动力学的协变密度泛函理论研究; 2019.1-2022.12

Ø 国家自然科学基金-面上项目(11475140):原子核低激发谱与量子相变的协变密度泛函研究; 2015.1-2018.12

Ø 国家自然科学基金-青年项目(11105110):基于协变密度泛函理论微观研究原子核量子相变; 2012.1-2014.12

Ø 科技部中国-克罗地亚政府间科技合作项目:原子核裂变动力学的微观能量密度泛函研究;2015.7-2017.6

Ø 科技部中国-克罗地亚政府间科技合作项目:奇特原子核结构及相关热点物理的研究;2014.1-2015.12

Ø 重庆市自然科学基金项目(cstc2011jjA0376):丰质子原子核中新型不对称裂变的研究;2012.1-2014.12

Ø 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(XDJK2011B002):奇A原子核量子相变与临界点对称性的微观研究;2011.5- 2014.5

Ø 西南大学博士基金(SWU110039):极化质子-奇特原子核反应的微观研究;2010.10-2013.10



1. Z. Y. Li, S. Y. Chen, M. H. Zhou, Y. J. Chen, and Z. P. Li*, Covariant density functional theory for nuclear fission based on a two-center harmonic oscillator basis, Phys. Rev. C 109, 064310 (2024).

2. J. Xiang, Z. P. Li*, T. Nikšić, D. Vretenar, W. H. Long, and X. Y. Wu. Coupling of shape and pairing vibrations in a collective Hamiltonian based on nuclear energy density functionals. II. Low-energy excitation spectra of triaxial nuclei. Phys. Rev. C 109, 044319 (2024).

3. Y. Kuang, X. L. Tu, J. T. Zhang, K. Y. Zhang, and Z. P. Li*, Systematic study of elastic proton-nucleus scattering using relativistic impulse approximation based on covariant density functional theory, European Physical Journal A 59(7) (2023).

4. M. H. Zhou, Z. Y. Li, S. Y. Chen, Y. J. Chen, and Z. P. Li*, Three-dimensional potential energy surface for fission of 236U within covariant density functional theory, Chinese Physics C 47(6) (2023).

5. Y. L. Yang, P. W. Zhao, and Z. P. Li*, Shape and multiple shape coexistence of nuclei within covariant density functional theory, Phys. Rev. C 107, 024308 (2023)

6. Z. Y. Li, S. Y. Chen, Y. J. Chen, and Z. P. Li*, Microscopic study on asymmetric fission dynamics of 180Hg within covariant density functional theory, Phys. Rev. C 106, 024307 (2022).

7. Y. L. Yang, Y. K. Wang, P. W. Zhao, and Z. P. Li*, Nuclear landscape in a mapped collective Hamiltonian from covariant density functional theory, Phys. Rev. C 104, 054312 (2021).

8. L. J. Wang, L. Tan, Z. P. Li, G. Wendell Misch, and Y. Sun, Urca Cooling in Neutron Star Crusts and Oceans: Effects of Nuclear Excitations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 172702 (2021).

9. X. Q. Yang, L. J. Wang, J. Xiang, X. Y. Wu, and Z. P. Li*, Microscopic analysis of prolate-oblate shape phase transition and shape coexistence in the Er-Pt region, Phys. Rev. C 103, 054321 (2021).

10. J. Xiang, Z. P. Li*, T. Nikšić, D. Vretenar, and W. H. Long, Coupling of shape and pairing vibrations in a collective Hamiltonian based on nuclear energy density functionals, Physical Review C 101, 064301 (2020).

11. W. Sun, S. Quan, Z. P. Li*, J. Zhao, T. Nikšić, and D. Vretenar, Microscopic core-quasiparticle coupling model for spectroscopy of odd-mass nuclei with octupole correlations, Physical Review C 100, 044319 (2019).

12. S. Quan, Z. P. Li*, D. Vretenar, and J. Meng, Nuclear quantum shape-phase transitions in odd-mass systems, Physical Review C (Rapid Communications) 97, 031301 (2018).

13. J. Xiang, Z. P. Li*, W. H. Long, T. Nikšić, and D. Vretenar, Shape evolution and coexistence in neutron-deficient Nd and Sm nuclei, Physical Review C 98, 054308 (2018).

14. S. Quan, W. P. Liu, Z. P. Li*, and M. S. Smith, Microscopic core quasiparticle coupling model for spectroscopy of odd-mass nuclei, Physical Review C 96, 054309 (2017).

15. S. Quan, Q. Chen, Z. P. Li*, T. Nikšić, and D. Vretenar, Global analysis of quadrupole shape invariants based on covariant energy density functionals, Physical Review C 95, 054321 (2017).

16. H. Tao, J. Zhao, Z. P. Li*, T. Nikšić, and D. Vretenar, Microscopic study of induced fission dynamics of Th-226 with covariant energy density functionals, Physical Review C 96, 024319 (2017).

17. S. Y. Xia, H. Tao, Y. Lu, Z. P. Li*, T. Nikšić, and D. Vretenar, Spectroscopy of reflection-asymmetric nuclei with relativistic energy density functionals, Physical Review C 96, 054303 (2017).

18. K. Q. Lu, Z. X. Li, Z. P. Li*, J. M. Yao, and J. Meng, Global study of beyond-mean-field correlation energies in covariant energy density functional theory using a collective Hamiltonian method, Physical Review C 91, 027304 (2015).

19. Z. P. Li, B. Y. Song, J. M. Yao, D. Vretenar, and J. Meng, Simultaneous quadrupole and octupole shape phase transitions in Thorium, Physics Letters B 726, 866 (2013).

20. Z. P. Li, C. Y. Li, J. Xiang, J. M. Yao, and J. Meng, Enhanced collectivity in neutron-deficient Sn isotopes in energy functional based collective Hamiltonian, Physics Letters B 717, 470 (2012).

21. Z. P. Li, T. Nikšić, P. Ring, D. Vretenar, J. M. Yao, and J. Meng, Efficient method for computing the Thouless-Valatin inertia parameters, Physical Review C 86, 034334 (2012).

22. Z. P. Li, J. M. Yao, T. Nikšić, D. Vretenar, H. Chen, and J. Meng, Energy density functional analysis of shape evolution in N=28 isotones, Physical Review C 84, 054304 (2011).

23. Z. P. Li, T. Nikšić, D. Vretenar, and J. Meng, Microscopic Description of Spherical to γ-soft Shape Transitions in Ba and Xe Nuclei, Physical Review C 81, 034316 (2010).

24. P. W. Zhao, Z. P. Li, J. M. Yao, and J. Meng, New parametrization for the nuclear covariant energy density functional with a point-coupling interaction, Physical Review C 82, 054319 (2010). Citations: 677 (Google Scholar)

25. Z. P. Li, T. Nikšić, D. Vretenar, P. Ring, and J. Meng, Relativistic energy density functionals: Low-energy collective states of 240Pu and 166Er, Physical Review C 81, 064321 (2010).

26. Z. P. Li, T. Nikšić, D. Vretenar, J. Meng, G. A. Lalazissis, and P. Ring, Microscopic analysis of nuclear quantum phase transitions in the N≈90 region, Physical Review C 79, 054301 (2009).

27. Z. P. Li, T. Nikšić, D. Vretenar, and J. Meng, Microscopic Analysis of Order Parameters in Nuclear Quantum Phase Transitions, Physical Review C 80, 061301(R) (2009).

28. T. Nikšić, Z. P. Li#, D. Vretenar, L. Prochniak, J. Meng, and P. Ring, Beyond the relativistic mean-field approximation. III. Collective Hamiltonian in five dimensions, Physical Review C 79, 034303 (2009).

29. Z. P. Li, G. C. Hillhouse, and J. Meng, Validity of the relativistic impulse approximation for elastic proton-nucleus scattering at energies lower than 200 MeV, Physical Review C 78, 014603 (2008).

30. Z. P. Li, G. C. Hillhouse, and J. Meng, Energy-dependent Lorentz covariant parameterization of the NN interaction between 50 and 200 MeV, Physical Review C 77, 014001 (2008).

l 参编论著:

1. Z. P. Li, D. Vretenar (2022). Model for Collective Motion. In: Tanihata, I., Toki, H., Kajino, T. (eds) Handbook of Nuclear Physics. Springer, Singapore.

2. Z. P. Li, T. Niksic, D. Vretenar, J. M. Yao (2016). Chapter 12: Beyond the relativistic mean-field approximation — collective correlations. In: J. Meng (eds) Relativistic Density Functional for Nuclear Structure. World Scientific Publishing.

l 培养学生及去向(部分)

Ø 研究生孙玮至美国圣母大学攻读博士学位

Ø 研究生王方元、李泽宇、卓思羽至中国原子能科学研究院攻读博士学位

Ø 研究生彭永至兰州大学攻读博士学位

Ø 研究生杨小芹、陈盛远、周明晖于西南大学攻读博士学位

Ø 本科生张嫣至清华大学直接攻读博士学位

Ø 本科生刘白伊郦、蒋若冰至北京大学直接攻读博士学位

Ø 本科生周淑明至中国科星空体育·(StarSky Sports)官方网站高能物理研究所攻读硕士学位

Ø 本科生闫晶晶至北京航天航空大学攻读硕士学位

l 联系方式:

地址:重庆市北碚区天生路2号星空体育·(StarSky Sports)官方网站

Email :zpliphy@swu.edu.cn
